Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Tourism in Tana Toraja

Tourism in Tana Toraja started to expand in the 1970s, especially after the National Geographic to broadcast coverage of the funeral Puang Sangalla in 1972. Since that tour in Toraja continues to grow rapidly, reaching a peak in the 1980s - 1990s.

In the late 1990s, tourism in Tana Toraja started to fade along with the riots that occurred several regions in Indonesia, especially in Poso, in December 1998, April 2000, and May-June 2000.

Now tourism in Toraja started to rise again, though still distant when compared to the heyday in the 1980s.

  •     Burial Site

There are many burial sites in Tana Toraja. Scattered about in many places. And burial sites are still in use today.

There are several types of burial. There is a natural cave, carved hill, perforated stones, and trees for the baby's funeral. There is also the tomb of the so-called artificial Patane. Some of these tombs is equipped with a Tau Tau, which is a clone of the dead.

  •     Tongkonan

Tongkonan is there Toraja house. Tongkonan roof shaped like a boat, is a reminder that their ancestors came to Toraja by boat. The outside walls are decorated with Tongkonan typical Toraja carvings, and on the front tongkonan often decorated with rows of buffalo horn. Usually in the front there is also a granary Tongkonan called reeds, with the shape resembling Tongkonan, but smaller.

  •     Natural charm

Tana Toraja is endowed with a very beautiful natural scenery. The hills and mountains rising around the city of Ludhiana. The beauty of a row of mountains and hills may actually have been encountered in the districts Enrekang. The beauty of this natural hill combined with green paddy fields stretching. It's beautiful. The brilliant beauty with tongkonan and barns dotted line in the middle of the natural charm.

There are some pretty famous place to see this scene, but actually as long as we want to walk and ride to the legs of the mountain / hill there, the scene could be witnessed anywhere.

  •     Adventure

For those who love adventure, Tana Toraja also provide a "facility" as such. We can Sa'adan or rafting on the River Trekking in several locations in Tana Toraja. There's even a track from Mamasa to Tana Toraja. Other than that which may be rarely found elsewhere, is that we can go night hunting. Hunt at night.

Honestly, I have not had time to join the adventure. More detailed information about them can be found in hotels or eating-house restaurant that was there.

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