Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Attractions: Batu Hiu ciamis west java

Stone is one of the shark tourism in the town of Kudat . Shark stone is about 14 km from Pangandaran as a tourist attraction a choice when you come to Pangandaran. Located in the Village District Ciliang Parigi, about 14 km from Pangandaran to the south . Has a very beautiful natural panorama. From the small hill covered with trees Pandan Wong, we saw the blue Indian Ocean Indonesia with the pounding of the waves are rolling white.

Shark Rock beach is located in the Village Ciliang, District Parigi. The beach is called Batu Hiu because there are rocks in the sea is visible and resembles a shark fin . To enjoy the beautiful beach, we can rise to the top of a small hill on the coast . From the top of the hill that we could see a rock that resembles a shark's fin, feeling the cool sea breeze and enjoy the beautiful Indian Ocean Indonesia .

On a small hill planted with pandan was the most fitting place to enjoy the beach Batu Hiu . Interestingly, to rise to the top of the hill, we pass the "gate" bikit a small tunnel in the form of a shark's mouth. So, as if we get into the shark's mouth . We also can play next to a hill of sea water . But be careful with a lot of jellyfish in the sand strewn beaches .

About 200 meters from the beach there is a piece of rock that resembles a shark, that's why this place is called Batu Hiu . Wind blowing off shore to accompany our current outlook towards the ocean or a stretch of coast stretching to the east of Pangandaran

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