Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Waterfall attractions cimahi

 waterfall cimahi Damp, one of the basic elements of zing, has a appeasing upshot. Torrent combined not tell the lush everyday winsomeness will authorization you spellbound. Located importance the void of Cisarua, approximately 10 kilometers from Cimahi or about 1 hour from the area of Bandung, cataract ( access Sundanese means " flood " ) Cimahi suitable for those who demand to take to a instinctive ambience but had shrimp bit to excursion. 85 meters high-reaching falls is indeed a tinsel sight.

 Obtaining Crackerjack

 By renting a car.
 Using public transportation to the Cimahi - Lembang or Cimahi Cihanjuang.

 Bury the relatively cheap cost, you are free to enjoy the scenery there. On foot for about 30 minutes, you will reach the location Curug Cimahi. The trees are beautiful lush atmosphere also will accompany you.

 Where to Stay
 You can stay in a hotel or lodging in the area of?? Bandung or Cimahi.

 On foot.

 Dining Guide
 Several stalls selling traditional food and drinks. You can also bring your own food and drinks, then a picnic.

 Fruit Hand

 There ' s nothing special. After all, you can buy fruit at the hands of the city of Bandung.

 Things to See or Do

 Enjoy the scenic waterfall. Swimming here can also be performed. At certain moments, you can see the rainbow in this location.
 Witnessed the doings of the monkeys who happen to live in this area.


 Make sure your body is fit here while visiting there. Entering Cimahi waterfall is relatively easier because of the way down. However, you may be tired when I want to get out of the waterfall Cimahi because of the way up.
 Keep your luggage carefully, especially when you see the monkey. Usually they are afraid of humans, but if there is a chance, they like to " pilfer " the goods are being careless visitors.
 Wear appropriate clothing, comfortable shoes as well. In the rainy season ( October to April ) it ' s good to bring an umbrella or a raincoat just in case.
 Bring drinking water to avoid dehydration.
 Bring extra clothes and towels, and bathing suit if you want to soak in here.
 Dispose of waste in place. If the trash is not available, take a plastic bag to store your trash for a while, and throw it in the trash later.

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