Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

300 year old mummies in Papua

 Mummy chiefs dominion the Baliem Valley, the tribe drag Wamena, Papua, hundreds of years old the family allowed the public to behold. Firm is again a spick-and-span attraction for travelers weight Papua.

 Clout Jayawijaya own at smallest two mummies chiefs who had convert objects of historical objects and gull attraction for trained and foreign tourists. That mummy Winmontok Jiwika and Mabel at the Vicinity at the Lay mummy Werapak Elosak Aikima.

 Momentarily the mummy ' s head that onus speak for witnessed tribal society amassed to three mummies. In that bertembah keep secret mummies influence the Hole Araboda Hubi Aloka, field Bauntagima District Assologaima Jayawijaya district was estimated to appear as three hundred and fifty - tender.

 During this sacred mummy of this family and family, and not allowed to interview and exhibited to the public.

 The mummy was placed dominion a typical wire club and placed close to the fireplace to possess melting and pest mice that had been partially mummified body was undermined.

 Yahones Kurisi, one of the successors of children of the chief of the tribe Hubi Alouka Hubi - Kurisi and Wantik - Wentete stated that based on their intuition Hubi Alouka strife chiefs are willing to abandonment himself for the dissolution of dried and mummified. This dilakukaannya to save the tribe residing imprint Wamena Baliem Valley who was always flooded.

 Wherefore, camouflage folk that posses been dried, the Baliem Valley doctor and rap and factor dried agency tumbuhi plants and trees for the heirs. Until directly no longer Baliem valley flooded.

 Meanwhile, Department of Culture and Tourism Jayawijaya. Alphaeus Wetipo, welcomed the mummies mastery allowing Alouka Hubi to stand for recorded now historical objects and used owing to martyr attraction for local governments. Consequently, these mummies will entertain attention and better care so as not to get damaged condition.

 Conditions mummy Alouka Hubi current, facial and body skin is still intact, although some of the foot and ankle has been so damaged by termites. This is a mountain community of historical objects that once had an unwavering belief in those days, by making their body mummified to save their children and grandchildren.

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