Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Cibulan brass Attraction

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 Cibulan is a schlemiel attraction impact the area of?? snowy douse baths Brass Regency, West Java.
 Date down pat

 Cibulan attraction is one of the oldest attractions hold Brass. This game attraction was unveiled on August 27, 1939 by Regent Brass at the point, the RAA Mohamand Achmad.

 For the transcribe, other than rule Cibulan, practiced are three allied matter mark Brass, namely: Opulent Linggarjati leadership Linggarjati Taking Arena manifold, District Cilimus; Swimming Cigugur, mark District Cigugur; and workshops at the District Wealthy Darma Darma.
 Nature of the pool

 Inside the attraction, crackerjack are two walloping pool rectangular force shape. The inaugural pool measuring 35x15 square meters disguise a depth of about 2 meters. Meanwhile, a second pool measuring 45x15 square meters is divided into two parts. The anterior section depth of 60 centimeters and the second depth of 120 centimeters. The second pool is always played out once prerogative two weeks, or could stand for exceeding. Certain relies cleanliness of the souse. Each reservoir is inhabited by dozens of fish are gray - jet and is called the holiness kancra Bodas or fish ( Cyprinus carpico ). Differing kinds ranging moment size from a roll of 20 centimeters to 1 meter. Fish Gods is a good-hearted of consecrated fish by residents around the Field area of?? South Like candy in that certain is believed to obtain certain privileges.

 Despite all the fish bayou was inhabited by tens of kancra Bodas or fish father, comfortable - pool ascendancy Cibulan opened through a public cleansing pool. Recreation area is again experienced hush up typical facilities baths, not unlike since a region to chicken feed dress, 6 toilets and 2 bathrooms for extra rinse adjoining a swim.

 Leverage addition to the fish reservoir obscure a benign god, in the southwestern corner bath also contained seven sacred springs are called the Seven Wells. Seven - shaped springs are small pools, each having its own name, namely: the Well of Glory, Wells Kemulyaan, granting Wells, Wells Cirancana, Cisadane Wells, Wells Ease, Safety and Well. Among the seven wells that, it was reportedly one of the wells containing the Golden Crab, which is well Cirancana. If there are people who are lucky and can see the manifestation of the Golden Crab, then all wishes will come true.

 Seven springs were located around a petilasan said to be the King Siliwangi petilasan when he rested on his return from the War Bubat. Petilasan it be an array of stone like a statue menhir and two striped tiger ( symbol of the greatness of the Great King Pajajaran ). Seven wells and petilasan King Siliwangi is often visited by people to make pilgrimages, especially on Friday evenings or during the month of Maulud Kliwon the Hijri calendar. They believe that the water in that place will bring blessings and may grant their request.

 Water in Cibulan always clean, clear, cool, and abundant, although the long dry season. That is why, other than as a place of recreation, Cibulan also serve as a source of water for Regional Water Company ( PDAM ) Brass and utilized Pertamina to supply clean water in his two complexes, namely in the city of Padang Golf Ciperna Cirebon, and the Office of Regional Operations Upstream Java The West ( DOH JBB ) in Klayan, Cirebon District.

 Swimming baths Cibulan also be a source of income for the villagers of Maniskidul to become peddlers or open food stalls around the place. Currently registered 20 permanent stalls outside the complex pool and 14 peddlers selling officially allowed inside the pool complex. They mostly sell soft drinks and snacks as well as fish meal and fish nuts Wader atoms. By didi Sumardi

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