Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Bosscha Observatory is one of the observation of the oldest stars in the Indonesia

 observatorium bosscha is one of the observation of the oldest stars impact the Indonesia. Bosscha Observatory located drag Lembang, West Java, about 15 km ascendancy the northern lay of Bandung lie low geographic coordinates 107 ° 36 ' east longitude and 6 ° 49 ' south meridian. This hole stands on the land area of?? 6 hectares, and located at an culmination of 1310 meters major sea parallel or at an elevation of 630 m from the plateau of Bandung. Code of the International Far-reaching Union observatory to observatory Bosscha is 299.

 Proficient are 5 pieces of goodly telescopes, namely:

 Zeiss coupled refractor telescope

 The telescope is used for visual double star observing, measuring the duck photometry of stars, watching the angel of the cavity of the moon, super-colossal observing, watching the opposition of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, and to discern the comet fulgid facsimile detail due to hale seeing other celestial people. The telescope has two cold lens thickness of each lens is 60 cm, harbour a flash point or the spotlight is 10. 7 meters.

 Schmidt telescope the Waxen Way

 This telescope is used to study the structure of the Waxen Street, studying the spectra of stars, empitic asteroids, supernovae, Nova for illuminated and unflinching chemical composition, and to photograph sky objects. 71. 12 cm width lens. The width of the lens redress biconcaf - biconfex 50 cm. Hotspots / focus of 2. 5 meters. Also equipped with a prism refracting angle prime 6. 10, to obtain spectra of stars. This prism dispersion at H - gamma 312A every night. The tool is extra - Wedge Sensitometer telescope, to menera blackish scales bright stars, and film recorders

 Bamberg refractor telescope

 The telescope is used for menera bright stars, determining the distance scale, measuring the eclipse photometry of stars, watching the image of the crater of the moon, solar observations, and to observe other celestial bodies. Equipped with a photoelectric photometer to obtain scale - bright stars of light intensity that caused electricity. 37 cm diameter lens. Focal point of a fire or 7 meters.

 Cassegrain GOTO telescope

 With this telescope, the object can be directly observed by inserting the object position data. Then the data of observations will be entered into the data storage media directly. Binoculars can also be used to measure the star ' s light and strong spectral observations of stars. Dilengakapi with a spectrograph and photoelectric - photometer

 Unitron refractor telescope

 The telescope is regularly used to make observations new moon, eclipse observations of the moon and solar eclipses, and sunspots shooting and observation of other celestial objects. With a lens diameter of 13 cm and 87 cm focal

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