Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Bedouin origin and confidence in

The person or persons Kanekes Bedouin / Bedouin are an indigenous group power the Sunda region Lebak, Banten. Their race of about 5, 000 to 8, 000 mortals, and they constitute one of the tribes who utilize insulation from the face star. Leverage addition they also hold the confidence interdiction to represent photographed.
 The origins
 Kanekes Ministry about 1920

 According to the beliefs they influence, the person protest lineage from Batara Kanekes roots, one of the seven gods or a prime mover who is sent to earth. The origin is regularly attributed to the Soothsayer Adam seeing the basic ancestor. According to their assurance, Adam and his children, including the renter has the job to typify imprisoned or Kanekes ascetic ( mandita ) to prolong the accordance of the nature.

 Opinions cast the origin of the inconsistent Kanekes speculation among the historians, who based his inclination by the unity of some historical evidence dominion the articulation of inscriptions, travelogues Portuguese and Chinese sailors, and folktales about the ' Tatar Sunda ' which is entirely limited existence. Kanekes communities associated not tell the Sunda Dominion before its collapse pressure the 16th century centered on Pakuan Pajajaran ( around Bogor soon ). Before the founding of the Sultanate of Banten, the western tip of Java island is an influential molecule of the Lands of Sunda. Bantam is a fairly immense trading port. Ciujung rivers are traversable unequal types of boats, and crowded is used to transport agricultural commodities from rural areas. In consequence the ruler of the region, declared for Overlord shoots General considers that the concervation of the river should enact maintained. For that diperintahkanlah royal host of highly trained to keep and captain the heavily wooded and hilly areas ropes the region of Mount Kendeng. The existence of a exclusive chore forces cache the Society seems to represent the counsellor Kanekes that still inhabit the headwaters on Mount Kendeng Ciujung the ( Adimihardja, 2000 ). Differences of surmise was brought to the allegation that notoriety the recent, their historical ego and accidentally closed, which is humdrum to protect itself from intrusion Kanekes communities enemies Pajajaran.

 Van Tricht, a doctor who had conducted medical research agency 1928, refuting the theory. According to him, individuals Kanekes is a native of the area who posses a stark thrust to independent influences ( Garna, 1993b: 146 ). Kanekes own tribe refused to rumor that they came from the mortals an escape from Pajajaran, the money of the Sway of Sunda. According Danasasmita and Djatisunda ( 1986: 4 - 5 ) the Bedouins are the locals who make-believe mandala ' ( hallowed area ) formally by the mogul, for the humans is liable to up thrust kabuyutan ( place of worship of ancestors or ancestors ), not a Hindu or Buddhist religion. Principal agency this region declared in that Sunda kabuyutan Teak or ' Sundanese Master ' or Wiwitan Sundanese ( wiwitan = native, origin, principal, teak ). In consequence their primeval religion was habituated the surname of the Sunda Wiwitan. The monarch that makes the Bedouin as a mandala is Rakeyan Darmasiksa.

 Kanekes public trust called the Sunda Wiwitan rooted in the worship of ancestral spirits ( animism ), which in later development is also influenced by Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. The core belief is indicated by an absolute pikukuh or customary provisions adopted in the daily lives of people Kanekes ( Garna, 1993 ). The most important contents of the ' pikukuh ' ( compliance ) Kanekes is the concept of " without any changes ", or a change in as little as possible:

 Lojor heunteu beunang cut, short heunteu beunang spliced.

 ( The length can not / should not be cut short, can not / should not be spliced )

 Taboos in everyday life are interpreted literally. In agriculture, the shape pikukuh is by not changing the contour of the land for fields, so that way berladangnya very simple, do not cultivate the land with a plow, do not create a terracing, planting only a drill, which is a sharpened piece of bamboo. In house construction ground surface contours also left as is, so the poles Kanekes home is often not the same length. Words and their actions were honest, plain, no - nonsense, even in the trade they do not haggle.

 The object of trust is important for the community Kanekes Arca Domas, an undisclosed location and is considered the most sacred. Kanekes people visit these locations to conduct worship once a year in Kalima, which in 2003 coincided with the month of July. Only the highest customs Pu ' un or chairman and several members of selected communities who follow the cult group. In the complex there is a stone Arca Domas the mortar that holds rainwater. If at the time of worship stone mortar was found to exist in a state full of clear water, then for the people Kanekes it is a sign that the rain that year will be a lot down, and the harvest will be successful either. Conversely, if the stone mortar dry or watery cloudy, then it is a sign of crop failure ( Permana, 2003a ).

 For some people, relating to determination their communities, indigenous beliefs held Kanekes reflect Sundanese people ' s religious beliefs before the arrival of Islam in general.

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