Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Mussels Lake attractions

Lake Mussels are one of the ordinary attractions leadership the District Brass. Mussels Talaga is a loch located notoriety the House Kaduela, Brass, is ± 37 km from the cynosure of Brass. The tag of this pool mussels taken from the repulsive, a kind of yellow colored shells that many live around the lake.

 There are 8 lakes are: Lake Leat, Nilem Lake, Lake Deleg, Ayu Situ Salintang, leutik Lake, Lake Buruy, Tespong Lake, and Wells Jalatunda. Attractions: Lake Mussels save the diversity of flora and fauna, there are approximately 160 species of plants such as rosewood, Malacca, kosambi and others. One appeal of this place is the one type of rare plants, namely Banana Hyang. menjadi cultural attractions are quite famous both in domestic and foreign tourists.

 Mussels Talaga is a blend of natural charm Talaga mountainous forests and crystal clear water, clear air like a glass backed the cool mountainous challenge for the mystery tour colored woods. The facilities available are motor boats, water bikes, Saung and walkways. This place can also relax and enjoy snacks are available.

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