Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Family vacation to Park Bareng Mekarsari

 Mekarsari Tourism Park is an exotic garden plants that collect several types of fruits from numerous regions imprint Indonesia. Located on Jalan Raya Bogor Regency Cullinan - Jonggol. When the junket generation from Jakarta to birr to this reservation about one hour. Blooms Superior PT Sari due to Mekarsari managers Grounds offers rife amusing programs mask faultless facilities. Once inside the Arena which covers 264 hectares, we will represent treated to several types of cat's paw attractions.

 Visits engagement act for initiated around by a easy make train to witness the collection of existing plants. During the tour we will pass some inviting objects double over, area nurseries, nursery, down home area of?? accomplished, vehicle outbound, vegetable garden, fishing bayou, fruit trees ropes pots, melon garden tours, garden snake fruit, rambutan, citrus, jackfruit, starfruit and consequently emanate.

 When the melon tour fini the gardens, we should drive down for a moment to examine the melon crop is influence the all-purpose homestead. When the melon plant during his vacation was fruitful, we can pick melons directly from the trunk. Melon types that are available are quite varied, such as melons golden light, jade flower, glamorous, golden langkawi, and Renong. Once satisfied with the tourist train around, we can take a break in building a waterfall. The building is quite unique when viewed from the outside, because of the rooftop water flowing down like a waterfall.

 Fruit seed
 Mekarsari Park is now collecting thousands of plant species from several types. Apart from fruit grown in accordance with the original, there are also fruit trees that are the result of laboratory Mekarsari own creations. Some products that have resulted from this laboratory has succeeded in attracting visitors, and even had a superior product. Call it like arnis pineapple, Barbados cherry, guava Petruk irung water, water guava klow toon, cashew pimento water, nangkadak, cempeka and pedakka.
 Three types of fruit of the latter is the result of a cross between Cempedak and jackfruit. Very distinctive taste and aroma. Sweet like Cempedak but shaped like a jackfruit. Currently these plants are under development. If interested to buy seed, can be at the Garden Center, a place that specializes sell a range of fruit plant seedlings.

 Package Tour Program
 Many tourist activities that can be done in Mekarsari, ranging from fruit picking tours, children ' s toys travel, outbound travel to education. To participate in these activities we can choose packages that have been provided by the manager, such as package tours planting, cultivation, gardening tours, student packages, corporate packages, camping, outbound, plant tissue culture, entertainment packages and many more. All these packages are made available to help us perform activities during his stay in the largest tropical fruit orchard in the world.

 If you are interested to visit Mekarsari, immediately schedule your visit. To better provide comfort and satisfaction, you should confirm in advance by telephone, in order menda in getting clear enough information about the facilities and the right time to visit. You may ask, what plants are being fruitful, because not all plants bear fruit any time simultaneously. You certainly do not want to be disappointed by looking at existing plants in Mekarsari without seeing the fruits hanging.

 Especially if you are visiting a group, must be confirmed in advance so that when in a location, you will feel more comfortable, and certainly you are in the entourage will always be guided by field officers as he provided an explanation of existing facilities.

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