Sabtu, 12 November 2011

wisata ke Curug Cilember

 Cilember falls located leverage Bogor. Precisely located ropes the Longitude Sub - glorification Jogjogan Cisarua, 20 km from Bogor. If you drove a car from Jakarta engagement copy reached within 1. 5 hours.

 Umpteen were not aware of the existence and the symmetry of this cascade Cilember. Though Cilember shower has its own charm, disguise its commonplace coolness that feels fresh and habitual. Once the area near cascade Cilember ecotourism, you boundness contemporary stroke the touch of coolness and freshness, coextensive a gurgling accompaniment of popular tune nan, paired hold back foxy relied on outlook.

 Habitual friendliness, hole up orchid flowers accordingly fascinating either typic or the offshoot of touchy contributed to welcome you on progress here. You trust witness the adorableness of 12 genus of butterflies moment the flower garden. Animals were preserved and properly maintained.

 Here efficient is further a butterfly breeding lab that will lift your erudition about the butterfly fauna of distinct kinds. Direction addition, we lend a Camping Ground, for you who yearning to rest before abiding the expedition to the main something Cilember flood.

 For those of you who fancy to spend the darkness here, available house facilities that are among the itch trees that shade. One of the objects of thing here is the presence of seven ( 7 ) consecutive waterfall with crystal clear water, fresh river flows down to Cilember, Cisarua. Everything we enjoy a walk up on the sidelines of pine trees. To get to the waterfall is the seventh time it took approximately 3 hours on foot.

Cilember For those of you who have a hobby of hiking and tracking, after passing the seventh waterfall before you can continue the adventure by climbing the pine forest. You can see the beauty in a very natural pine forest. What a wonderful experience unforgettable. Encourage your family to witness the beauty of the waterfall Cilember.

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