Selasa, 22 November 2011

Trips to Mount Rinjani National Park

 Gunung Rinjani Civic Field is one type of ecosystem reserve eminence drop hodgepodge and savanna is located on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. TNGR different because Public Parks through the Minister of Forestry Decree No. 280 / Kpts - II / 1997 veil extensive field 40. 000hA although the extent of else than 41, 000 ha.

 Gunung Rinjani National Park hold a many-sidedness of flora, among others; Nettles ( Laportea stimuli ), Dedurenan ( Aglaea argentea ), Bayur ( Pterospermum Javanicum ), Banyan ( Ficus Benjamina ), Cashew - jambuan ( Syzygium sp ) keruing ( Dipterocarpus Hasseltii ), Rerau ( D. Imbricatus ), Alp Hanker ( Casuarina Junghuniana ) Eidelweis ( Anaphalis Javanica ) and several kinds of orchids that is endemic wilderness Perisstylus Rinjaniensis and P. Lombokensis. While the medley of fauna TNGR is owned by, among others; Weasel Rinjani ( Paradoxurus Hemaprhoditus Rinjanicus ), Deer ( Muntiacus muntjak Nainggolani ), dingy bract baboon ( Trachypithecus auratus Kohlbruggei ), pangolin ( Manis javanicus ), birds Cikukua Horn ( Philemon Buceroides Neglectus ), Dawah Bush ( Ducula Lacernulata Sasakensis ), nape dingy orioles ( Oriolus Chinensis Broderipii ) and several type of reptiles advantage a quantity of freshwater fish genus that living guidance the lagoon Segara Anak, among others; Oreochromis mossambicus and quibble.


 On the elevation excavation ( 2. 800mdpl ) qualified died from the eruption of the chasm of Mount Rinjani ( estimated to arise prominence the days Plistosen <1. 8 million senescence ago ) formed a all-inclusive pond ( 1. 100hA ) keep secret angelic panorama. The pond is called Reservoir Segara Anak, the Sasak language means roughly Paltry Sea. Adequately portray the area of?? the tarn. The depth of the pond weaken is estimated to around 160m - 230m. Pond imbue temperature varied from the other side to the other side. The steep of the tarn crack is a bare tough sulfur smell whence much same Moffet is right terrible but those that smell close peak hose. In the middle of the lake Segara Anak came a new mountain called Mount New Finger. New Finger Mountain is believed to grow taller every year. Average rainfall - average in this area is the location of the height of 2. 000ml / tahun 550mdpl - 3. 726mdpl.


 Mount Rinjani keep a mystery. One of the biggest mysteries is Dewi Anjani. Dewi Anjani is supposedly a direct descendant of King Selaparang result of the marriage of the King with subtle beings who live on Mount Rinjani when he begged the rain to the area because of the long drought that hit the royal Selaparang at that time. That ' s why until now the community and the Hindu Dharma Sasak on Lombok island often perform rituals Mulang Pekelem the ritual to invoke the rain god Dewi Anjani by giving a gold plate in the form of all sorts of creatures thrown into the water by the lake Segara Anak.

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