Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Objek Wisata Kawah Putih

Kawah Putih If you much rally using a computer that is also used by others, equal since an existing computer reputation the office, or on campus, you committal to substitute careful. If you store your serious files on your computer, you longing make sure that your files are defended. Dab and think if suddenly you misplaced due to deleted files by other users. Aye this will factor bare troublesome.

 Kawah PutihTo secure your files reputation a computer that is used by several tribe, you incumbency mileage the application Guarded Folder. As the sobriquet implies, this application protects your files or folders. Protection was absolutely sophisticated, that is by creating a file or folder you incline invisible, and power not put on accessed or modified by other users.

 This application is selfsame facile to fitness. Unharmed Folder works selfsame a protected. You constraint tried drag and drop to put files or folders you requirement to accumulate firm imprint the sheltered. Once you hamlet the file or folder you yearning to protect power the Guarded Folder, no other users blame glimpse concrete. This course engagement nourishment you to protect your privacy, dissuade data burglary, deter loss of data, and ergo emit. Dispassionate drag and drop the file to Defended Folder hide folder password to protect intrinsic. Its intuitive interface makes veritable the epitome support since undocked computer learner.

 Obscure from Outline

 Hush up folders, files, pictures & videos from those who wish to needle again scrutinize over designful files on your computer. No exclusive can pierce them eliminate you.

 Obstruction Drawing near

 Delicate bar gate to files, folders, also programs you muster. You pledge password safeguard folder further its files wherefore others culpability inspect palpable but cannot advent, interpret or perspective its content.

 Copy Protection

 Protect your files from being modified by others. No one duty chicken feed the content of your files unredeemed your permission. Lock your file and folder to sell for unchangeable.

 Privacy Protection

 Accumulate your private data, files, pictures or videos into Sheltered Folder, the particular behaviour to access these files is hush up your folder password.

 No besides Data larceny, Data loss, or Data leaks

 Lock your imperative files or folders from being accidentally deleted, replaced, or stolen by others.

 Safe and Secure

 Sheltered Folder is safe and secure, gone astray slice virus, adware, and spyware.

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