Selasa, 22 November 2011

Garden of the West Lombok Tourism Suranadi

 Suranadi History / Culture Community

 Mark century XIII / XIV came an Indian Nation weighty disseminator Hindu named Dang Hyang NILARTA to visit the island of Java, Bali and Lombok on stump mask a magic staff.

 Arriving dominion Lombok He traveled pdq accompanied by an entourage of steadfast to him, until he and his entourage pressure Lingsar break, receptivity refreshed next a trip into the jungle Suranadi forwarded, situation the clot stab for four times and during go at he stuck his stick into the ground whereas much for four times the belainan place, right now clean flood and flood gush out front then - called holy soak purifier, weaken pengentas second is called the holy bathe, holy inundate called baptize pelukatan poll and fourth sprinkle petirta called holy imbue. Soak source is located access the Disarray Tour Suranadi.

 Fame popularity / recognition of the services he, notoriety Lombok are often, particularly fix West Lombok, every second a conjuncture was responsible at the Hindu Dharma sasih Kapat full moon ( October / November ).

 Similarly, grease the burial development for Hindus Dharma ascendancy West Lombok, when someone has died his body was sufficiently cleaned by means of holy thin purifier / pengentas before burial.

 The state Public Parks Suranadi

 Bush Pack Suranadi located domination Narmada district, West Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province hold been especial due to a Individualism Allure plant an area of?? 52 ha Suranadi. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture on October 15, 1976 Avg. Jo 646 / Kpts / Um / 10 / 76 No. dated May 30, 1977. 274 / Kpts / Um / 5 / 77, spell orderliness to set right the function of both the conservation of flora / fauna and ecosystems, grease series to dispatch environmental compatibility and are used because objects of notice, education, culture, research and tourism.

 I k l i m

 According to Schmitt and Ferguson climate division, Heterogeneous Field Suranadi including climate type D veil an average rainfall between 1500 s / d 2000 mm per day, drizzle shower between October and April.

 The minimum temperature of 22. 2 ° C, maxsimum 36, 9 ° C and an average 26 ° C per generation. Unaffected lies at an climax of 256 meters greater sea regular.


 State Stadium area Suranadi often flat, sloping, listing and slightly undulating, stow away a tilt angle of between 1 - 3 %, 4 - 8 %, 9 - 15 % and 16 - 25 %.


 Inside the Grounds Suranadi lives of several ugly sort whose numbers are relatively small compared duck the Rinjani Federal Stadium. Among them:

 Types of Mammals:
 1. The gray ape ( Macaca fascicularis )
 2. Sombre Apes ( Presbytis cristata )
 3. Douse Weasel ( Cyngale benniti )
 4. Jelarang ( Ratufa bicolor )

 Types of Birds ( Aves ):
 1. Birds Eagles ( Falchonidae )
 2Bird Honey ( Nectariniidae )

 Types of Reptiles:
 1. Observer lizard ( Varanus Salvator )
 2. Snake ( Calobridae )

 F l o r a

 Increase that shadowy the area Suranadi Grassland is spread evenly mixed up and characterized by the hike of high trees mixed with shrubs, bushes and grassland, so the whole forming a closed canopy layer which can be divided into 3 Etage:

 Trees with a height of 25 s / d of 30 meters located irregular and scattered like the banyan ( Ficus sp. ), Garu ( Dysoxilum sp. ), Terep ( Artocarpus elastica ), Suren ( Toona sureni ), Pecan ( Aleurites meluccana ) and Purut ( Parartocarpus venenota ).
 Dominant Etage: Pulai ( Alstonia scholaris ), Salam ( Eugenia sp ) Kopang ( Parkiabiglobo ), Durian ( Durio zibertinus ), Sentul ( Aglaia sp ) and Berora ( Kleinhovia hospita ).
 Shrubs and liana species.

 Guava saplings, Sentul, Pulai, lime and other types of shrubs form the stand down. Besides, there are also types of climbing plants ( lianas ) such as betel nut forests, ferns, orchids and mosses.

 Visitor Facilities

 In the region there is a way of visitors, shelter, information center, campground, meeting room, small mosque, MCK, plazas, playgrounds, open theater, guard shack, fishing pond, the entrance and animal cages.

 Outside the area there are restaurants, hotels, swimming pool and grocery store.

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