Rabu, 30 November 2011

Balekambang beach is beautiful and charming beaches

coast Balekambang The beach is located agency District Bantur Balekambang 65 km, south of the locus of Malang. Balekambang beach is fairly fair and charming. This is also supported camouflage adequate facilities, parking area, camping ground, giveaway stalls, restaurants, toilets, office illumination, sedeharna bungalows, bloated pools and earth scout witty, mosque and pavilion. Sloping beach is filled reserve vermilion sea, which stretches along the 2 km camouflage a wideness of 200 meters to the sea, during low tide, unfeigned will symbolize visible on the sprinkle and interrupted - he interrupted the sundry types of bantam ornamental fish that diverse. Additionally, three offshore islands lined view to the west, the island Ismoyo, islands and island Anoman Wisanggeni. Honest large-scale the island stands majestically Ismoyo a haven, Pura Luhur Amertha called Teak. To span this church, you boundness step ended a bridge duck a breadth of 1. 5 meters. Agency the tour of Suro, Beach Balekambang fully overloaded imprint coming tourists both from trained and foreign tourists. Known is a especial holiday at the beach this Balekambang Surohan Advent ( Suro ' an ) and Jalanidhi Puja Turn.

 Obtaining Finished

coast Balekambang  This beach constraint stand for achieved over the district and subdistrict Gondanglegi Bantur, proceed to the pad or fini Sub Kepanjen Srigonco, District Pagak turn forsaken toward the District Bantur using the vehicle, either car or motorcycle.

 Where to Stay
 Hold some areas of the beach bungalows are transparent things you burden rent. If you nail down you demand to do a camper, then there is also amping ground around the area Balekambang Coast.

 Dining Guide
 You can dine at the food stalls located in the beach area Balekambang.
 You can walk to the beach around this.

 Things to See or Do
 On this beach you can perform a variety of activities, ranging from enjoying the beautiful sunset which sometimes appears on the sidelines of the three small islands on this coast, walking toward the temple located on the island or just play Ismoyo water.

 Fruit Hand
 You can buy souvenirs at souvenir kiosks located in the coastal area Balekambang.

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