Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda is a conservation area that straddles the natural secondary forest plantations located in Bandung, Indonesia. The extent of 590 acres stretching from the experts to Maribaya Dago.
Location of Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda was in the village of Experts, the Village Ciburial, District Cimenyan, at an altitude between 770 masl to 1330 masl. On top of that fertile soil, there are about 2500 species of plants consisting of 40 species and 112 familia. In 1965 vast new forest park of about 10 hectares only, but now has reached 590 hectares stretching from the experts to Maribaya. Currently managed by the Forest Service of West Java provincial administration (previously under the auspices Perhutanioffice).
Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda or Tahura Ir. H. Djuanda and often abbreviated as THR Djuanda:
Location of Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda was in the village of Experts, the Village Ciburial, District Cimenyan, at an altitude between 770 masl to 1330 masl. On top of that fertile soil, there are about 2500 species of plants consisting of 40 species and 112 familia. In 1965 vast new forest park of about 10 hectares only, but now has reached 590 hectares stretching from the experts to Maribaya. Currently managed by the Forest Service of West Java provincial administration (previously under the auspices Perhutanioffice).
Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda or Tahura Ir. H. Djuanda and often abbreviated as THR Djuanda:
- It can be visited every day.
- The time between the hours of 08:00 to 6:00 p.m. open it.
- Each visitor entry fee of Rp. 8000, - (in 2010).
- To browse the entire forest takes about 2-3 hours
- Can be achieved through or via Jalan Jalan Dago Cikutra. All types of vehicles can go up to the main gate. When using public transport only up to the Municipal Transport Terminal Dago, then continued traveling by public transport and other majors Campus Unisba stop Kordon. From Kordon proceed on foot as far as 500 m.
- Access from the North, through Maribaya-Lembang Sights. From this gate will be seen sights waterfall Omas and then proceed on foot along the 6 km trail leading to the Dago Experts
This area is usually quite crowded on the weekends, especially Sunday morning when many people come simply enjoy the atmosphere of recreation or exercise cross-Maribaya Tahura route along 6 kilometers. This distance can be reached ordinary walk about 2-3 hours (depending on conditions). Its definitely walk across Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda was very exciting because in addition to the beauty of the environment, it also gives freshness because the air is relatively clean.
Park the largest ever built by the Dutch East Indies government in the form of protected forests as protected forests of Mount Pulosari. Planting a garden is probably already done since 1912 in conjunction with the construction of the tunnel intercepts Ci streams Kapundung (later known as the Cave of the Netherlands), but as the opening of new protected areas conducted in 1922.
Since the independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945 are automatically the status of state forest land is managed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through Djawatan Forestry.
Forest area was pioneered its development since 1960 by Mashudi (Governor of West Java) and Ir. Sambas Wirakusumah who at that time served as Administrator of North Bandung concurrently Director of the Academy of Science of Forestry, and the support of Ismail Saleh (Minister of Justice) and Soejarwo (Director of Forestry Department of Agriculture). In 1963 most of the protected forest area began to be prepared as Forest Tourism and the Botanical Gardens. In 1963 at the time of the death of Ir. R. Djoeanda Kartawidjaja (Mr. H. Juanda), the Forest Preserve is immortalized his name to the Botanical Gardens Recreation Ir. H. Djuanda to commemorate his services and then also the Dago street named Ir. H. Djuanda.
For this purpose, the area planted with crops ranging collection of trees from different regions. Development cooperation Botanical Forest Recreation involves Botanical Garden Bogor (Bogor Botanical Gardens), by planting a collection of plants in Bogor.
On August 23, 1965 was inaugurated by the Governor as the Botanical Gardens Mashudi Forest Recreation Ir. H. Djuanda embryo which later became Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda managed by the Forest Service (formerly Djawatan Forest of West Java Province).
In 1978 the management of the Forest (first Djawatan Forest of West Java Province) submitted to Perhutanioffice West Java.
In 1980 the Botanical Gardens / Forest Holidays, which is part of a complex Pulosari Mount Forest was designated as a park, the Garden Tourism Curug Dago area of 590 ha set by decree. Minister of Agriculture Number: 575/Kpts/Um/8/1980 dated August 6, 1980.
In 1985, Mashudi and Ismail Saleh as a person and as Minister of Forestry Soedjarwo proposing to change the status of a tourist park Curug Dago Forest Park.
Proposals are then received by the President and then confirmed by Presidential Decree. 3 of 1985 dated January 12, 1985. Inauguration Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda took place on January 14, 1985 to coincide with the birthday of Ir. H. Djuanda. Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda as Forest Park in Indonesia.
To ensure management susksesnya Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda, through the Minister of Forestry Decree No. 192/Kpts-II/1985 formed Board of Trustees Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda, chaired by the Director General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHPA) and appoint Perhutanioffice as the Executing Agency Management and Development of Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda.
Board of Trustees Task Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda are:
1. Provide guidance development and Forest Park;
2. Prepare the medium and long term plans;
3. Supervise and control the implementation of the Forest Park development Ir. H. Djuanda.
Member Board of Trustees composed of the Deputy Higher Education, namely:
1. Rector of the Bandung Institute of Technology,
2. Rector of the University of Padjadjaran Bandung, and
3. Rector of Bogor Agricultural University.
4. In addition to the college representatives were also appointed deputy leaders.
In accordance with Law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems, Forest Park is a nature conservation area which has functions for the purpose of collection of plants and or animals either natural or artificial, or non-native and native who used to the interests of science, research and education and to support cultivation, culture, tourism and recreation.
As one of nature conservation area management, Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda expected to have a protective function of life support systems, the preservation of biodiversity and the preservation of the utilization of biological resources and ecosystems. Utilization of Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda optimally would have a positive impact germplasm protection and community economic development in the surrounding forest and Bandung Basin in general.
Management of Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda according to the Decree of the Director General of PHPA Number. 129/Kpts/DJ-VI/1996 is the Local Government (LG) Level I cq Forest Service to areas outside Java, whereas in Java submitted to Perhutanioffice.
Based on Government Regulation No. 62 of 1998, dated June 23, 1998 on the Transfer of Government Affairs in Forestry Sector To Region, said that the management of Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda which includes construction activities, maintenance, utilization and development of Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda turned over to the local government level I.
In the era of regional autonomy, as stipulated by the Government Regulation No. 25 of 2000 on Government Authority and Provincial Authority as an Autonomous Region, stated that the provincial government is authorized to provide implementation guidelines for the establishment of the area and the provision of management support Forest Park. To reinforce these two regulations mentioned above, it also issued Ministerial Decree number: 107/KPTS-UM/2003 about the task of assistance to the governor, regent or mayor, relating to the management of Forest Park.
Given the location of Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda is across the district and the city, which is located in Bandung regency (district and sub-district Cimenyan Lembang) and Bandung (District small hole), then in accordance with Government Regulation no. 25 of 2000, the management authority in the West Java Provincial Government, in this case the Forest Service of West Java Province.
Noting the above West Java Provincial Government established the Central Management of Forest Park which is the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of West Java Provincial Forestry Office and administration that are technically responsible to the Head of West Java Provincial Forestry Office. The provision is contained in Regulation No.. 5 of 2002 concerning Amendment to West Java No. 15 Year 2000 on Regional Office of West Java Province.
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