Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Travelling to the Ampera Bridge

Ampera Bridge is a bridge in Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Ampera Bridge, which has become a sort of symbol of the city, situated in the middle of the city of Palembang, the area connects Seberang Ulu and Ilir Across separated by the River Musi. 
The idea to unite the two land in the city of Palembang "Across the Ulu and Ilir Across" the bridge, actually existed in Gemeente Palembang, 1906. When the position occupied Palembang Mayor Le Cocq de Ville, 1924, the idea of ​​sticking it back and do a lot of effort to make it happen. However, until the term of office expires Le Cocq, even when the Dutch pull out of Indonesia, the project was never realized.
At the time of independence, the idea of ​​sticking it back. Big City Transitional Parliament Palembang again proposed the construction of the bridge at the time, called the Musi Bridge to refer na-ma earlier stops Musi River, at the plenary session held on October 29, 1956. This proposal is actually quite desperate because the budget is in the city of Palembang to be used as an initial capital of only around Rp 30.000,00. In 1957, the building committee was formed, consisting of Lord of War Military Area Command IV / Srivijaya, Aaron Sohar, and the Governor of South Sumatra, HA Bastari. Companion, Mayor of Palembang, M. Ali Amin, and Indra Caya. This team approach to the Bung Karno to support the plan.
The work done by the Provincial Government of South Sumatra and Palembang, which is fully supported by Kodam IV / Srivijaya was later to fruition. Bung Karno was then approved the proposed development. Because the bridge is planned to be built with each of his legs in the 7 Ulu and Ilir 16, which means its position in the city center, Bung Karno and conditions apply. Namely, the placement of park boulevard or open at both ends of the bridge. Was performed in the appointment of executive development firm, with the signing of the contract on December 14, 1961, at a cost of USD 4.5 million (at current exchange rates, the USD 1 = Rp 200.00).
Construction of this bridge started in April 1962, after obtaining the approval of President Soekarno. Construction costs derived from the Japanese war reparations fund. Not just cost, even this bridge use experts from the country.At first, this bridge, called the Bridge Bung Karno. According to historian Djohan Hanafiah, giving the name as a form of tribute to the first President. Bung Karno in earnest desire to fight for the people of Palembang, to have a bridge over the Musi River.
Bridge dedication conducted in 1965, as well as confirming the name of Bung Karno as name of the bridge. At the time, this bridge is the longest bridge in Southeast Asia. After the political upheaval in 1966, when the anti-Soekarno very strong, the bridge's name was changed to Ampera Bridge (People's Message of Suffering). [4
Around the year 2002, there is a discourse to return the name of Bung Karno Ampera as the name of this bridge. But this proposal did not receive support from the government and the population.

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