Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Bandung Regency has the archaeological site of Temple Bojong Menje


 Candi Bojongmenje Bandung Regency has archaeological sites control the articulation of the haven? Not everyone knows about legitimate. Generally temples on the island of Java start up prerogative the area of?? Central Java and East Java. Succeeding, the advanced create further several temples pressure the area of?? West Java, consistent whereas what is contained on the Site Batujaya ( Falkirk ) and Shrine Cangkuang ( Main Page ). Dewy pull August 2002, inadvertently Bojongmenje a dweller esteem the locale, Community Cangkuang, District Rancaekek who requirement to glad eye for land to screen alley grim blacken, preference a cavity leverage the surrounding blacken which contained a neat pile of stones. The description of the rock pile is after all decided for side of a refuge by the archaeologists, since forasmuch as the locale for the front-page news and cavity carried out further research.

 Initial allegations by archaeologists Bojongmenje church is a relic of the 7th century. If this is indubitable, for the Altar Bojongmenje hold a much younger age than the refuge at the site which is a relic Batujaya the 2nd century, but has halfway the corresponding age cache the Dieng sanctum - Wonosobo. Even according to Timbul Haryono, Temple Bojongmenje age could be older than the Dieng temple. Pointing to a number of rocks found by the excavation team, said Timbul Haryono, indications are not found halfround or stones with a semi - circular profile. But there are only rocks with the profile in terms of length and lotus frame.

 " From the style, technique of making the temple, and temple tend to reflect the size of the rocks as old as the Dieng temple in Central Java, " said Occur.

 He proposed, Temple Bojongmenje suspected area of?? about six by six feet is a clue in the area ever settlement of certain communities. That is, the community is a small part of a large central structure of the kingdom which is characterized, among others, with the establishment of large temples as a sacred place of worship.

 Therefore, in addition to the Bojongmenje strongly suspected, there are similar temples erected by the community as a place of worship. Indications are growing stronger with the flow of rivers and streams Citarik Cimande which was situated not far from the location of Temple Bojongmenje. In fact there is no information, about two kilometers from the site of Temple Bojongmenje some hot springs.

 Pertaining to a rock - style two - hole threshold, the threshold stone Occur estimates are part of the recesses of the temple. Similarly, the threshold stone with a hole pattern, mentioned as a fraction of the recesses of the temple. As a matter of finding the form of bricks, Timbul rate, the age - old brick and is part of the " body " of the rock temples not structured properly.

 With the discovery of the temple could be Bojongmenje this will change the historical facts. Among other facts about the spread of culture on the island of Java from east to west, the opposite is from west to east. It was based on archaeological findings which indicate that the temple Bojongmenje older than the temples in Central Java and East Java, or at least equivalent to the old temples in Dieng of Central Java.

 The discovery of Temple Bojongmenje certainly very proud that during this Sunda urang role in the stage of history enshrinement less unnoticed. Bernert Kempers an archaeological expert from the Netherlands also only divide the classical period in Java, Central Java became the classic and the classic East Java. Based pembabakan, it is said that the classical period in Indonesia is divided into old classics to the period of the classical Central Java and East Java for the period of youth.

 Opinion it should be reviewed because it does not mention the role of the Sundanese in the history of bangnunan enshrinement. In fact, the evidence suggests that in the region epigrafis Tatar Sunda has no center of the Hindu kingdom of Tarumanagara. In addition, the development of archaeological research in the area of?? Tatar Sunda discovery of the temple began to emerge. Therefore, the discovery of the temple is expected to be unmasked Bojongmenje enshrinement in Tatar Sunda become brighter.

 Looking Bojongmenje location where the temple is located, is sufficient notice. To get to the location of this temple must pass through a narrow alley with walls towering factory fence. Place the discovery of this temple is itself attached to the walls of the factory fence. So there is still a constraint if you want to dig further to the north again, which means it takes a dig at page factory area. It is said that the price of land around the temple come to rise until doubled. It seems that the process of excavation and rebuilding of a temple would be far from over

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