Selasa, 15 November 2011

Tour Gunung Tujuh Lake, Kerinci

 Gunung Tujuh Bayou ( Seven Height Lake ) is the highest tarn esteem Southeast Asia. Besides the existence of Bayou Kerinci, which is the second largest loch hard by Pool Toba clout North Sumatra. And finished are several other inconsiderable lakes stifle only prevalent bloom. Grouse Reservoir screen pristine description allow a unsimilar touch.

 Gunung Tujuh Lake is a caldera lagoon formed by volcanic action force the foregone. At an culmination of 1996 m ultra sea steady, this pond is the highest bayou spell Southeast Asia. The pond is regularly dark dominion mistiness go underground an average temperature of 17 0C. Pond Area of?? 960 ha ± 4. 5 km sway coil and breadth ranging from 3 km. The pond is surrounded by seven mountains, the Above Mount Tebo ( 2525 meters ), Mount Hulu Sangir ( 2330 m ), Madura Strong Mountain ( 2418 m ), Mount Moss qt the distinctive types of moss ( 2350 m ), Mount Basil ( 2230 m ), Mount Jar Bake ( 2469 m ), and Mount Seven ( 2735 m ).

 Gunung Tujuh Pond published considering Mystic Reservoir by the community. Lagoon inundate always looks clean same the leaves were not set up although proficient were profuse fallen trees on the edge of the loch. According to the people around the strange events occur frequently, twin whereas weather changes suddenly. At the opening of the lagoon, one workman told the host that the underside spinning effect the middle of a pool disoriented an straightforward produce.

 Communities around firm that the Gunung Tujuh Tarn is inhabited by human beings money the system of fine, named " Lbei Sakti " and " Saleh Sri Menanti " mask some of his followers in the form of a tiger.

 Gunung Tujuh Lake is a source of livelihood for some villagers. There are several huts alongside a lake that is used by fishermen as a place to live. Day - to - day fishing with the fishermen and fish trap boat, early morning fish trap installed in the middle of the lake later this afternoon raised fish trap.

 Used boats made?? of one piece of logs with a diameter ranging from 30 - 40 cm, and with such workmanship round wood is shaped like a boat. Used by fishermen fish trap made?? from bamboo strips woven. This fish trap was tied to the middle rope, at the end of the rope tied around the bottle ( a type of bottle Aqua ) and stones at the other end as a weight.

 The lake is located in the Village Pelompek, District Kayu Aro with a distance of ± 56 km from the Sungai Penuh. To enjoy the beauty and coolness of air Gunung TUjuh Lake visitors must walk through the trail for 2 - 3 hours.

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