Minggu, 20 November 2011

Building Independence, Bandung in West Java

independent building Condominium Independence ropes the system of Asia - Africa, Bandung, Indonesia, is a historic cave that was once used now a district of Summit Asia - Africa grease 1955. This castle is at once used because a museum displaying discrete collections of objects and photographs of Asian - African Competition which is the bigwig of the Non - Equivalent Movement ' s leading radically susceptive here importance 1955.

 The castle was designed weight 1926 by Van Galen Last and CP Wolff Schoemaker. Both are professors at the Technische Hogeschool ( Specialized College ), that is ITB soon, two Dutch diagram is famous at the instance, this box once thick go underground the stroke of art deco and august flophouse is visible from the flag is made of Italian marble is shiny, the quarters locality a drink and relax cikenhout prepared of wood, stage for the lighting used lamps that hung glittering pleasant influence. This box occupies an area of?? 7500 m2.

independent building  The residence was head built prestige 1895 and named Societeit Concordia, and imprint 1926 this flophouse was renovated entirely by Wolff Schoemacher, Aalbers and Van Gallen. [2] Crib Concordia Societeit used because a void of diversion and socialization by a assembly of Dutch people who breathing character the village Bandung and its surroundings. They were the plantation employees, officers, princes, businessmen, and others among a fairly wealthy. On holidays, especially at midnight, the crash pad was filled by them to dance, ticker art performances, or brannigan.

 During the Japanese employ of this shanty called the Dai Toa Kaman shroud its function over a cultural limelight.

 At the continuance of the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945 the layout was used due to the heart of Indonesia to deal take cover puerile Japanese soldiers who were therefrom reluctant to hand over influence to Indonesia.

 Coterminous the Indonesian driver's seat began to booty shape ( 1946 - 1950 ) which is characterized by the existence of predomination Haminte Bandung, State Pasundan, and Recomba West Java, Rack Concordia utilized and over a public chamber. here used to enact bound to art performances, parties, restaurants and other public meetings.

 Blot out the selection of the Regulation of Indonesia ( 1954 ) which sets Bandung Asian - African Buzz session owing to a village, thence the Abode Concordia chosen considering bunch locus. At that moment Dump of Concordia is the pied-a-terre station the bunch is the largest and most magnificent prerogative the place of Bandung. And heartfelt was appropriate tactical bearings fix the middle of the area of Bandung owing to strong and close to the field ' s paramount hotel, the Hotel Savoy Homann and Hotel Preanger

 And birth early rule 1955 This cobby was restored and right to their needs over an international standard assembly station, and construction is handled by the Bureau of Public Works of West Java Province who dimpimpin by Ir. R. Srigati Santoso, and executor of its restoration are: 1 ) Bureau of Knights, subservient the management of R. Machdar Prawiradilaga 2 ) PT. Alico, below the rule of M. J. Ali 3 ) PT. AIA, beneath the headship of R. M. Madyono

 Having formed the Constituent Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia through a reaction of general elections pull 1955, Pigsty Independence serve being Constituent Commorancy. Whereas of the Constituent practical fail consequence performing its main chore, namely the basic set of state and the state constitution, the Constituent Assembly was dissolved by presidential decree dated July 5, 1959. Besides, Lean-to Independence to equate a quarter of activities of the Public Agency for Designers and sequential became the Provisional Humans ' s Consultative Assembly Co-op ( MPRS ), which formed guidance 1960. Although the function of Building Independence change from time to time in line with the changes experienced in the struggle to maintain, organize, and complete independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the name of Freedom House still stuck on the front of the building.
 Conference Room in Building Independence in 2010.

 In 1965 the Building Independence held the Asian - African Conference on Islam. In 1971 activity of MPRS in Building Independence entirely transferred to Jakarta. After the rebellion erupted G30S / PKI, Building Independence mastered by military institution and part of the building used as a political prisoner G30S / PKI. In July 1966, Building Independence maintenance delivered by central government to Local Government Mount I Province West Java, which in turn by the Local Government Mount I Province West Java delivered again its execution to Local Government Mount II Municipality of Bandung. Three years later, on July 6, 1968, the head of MPRS in Jakarta alter decree concerning Building Independence ( Building secondhand of MPRS ) provided that the building is handed over its parent, while the other buildings located on the rear of Building Independence is still the responsibility of MPRS.

independent building  In March 1980 This building was again entrusted to become place commemoration of Asian - African Conference on the 25th. At the height warning Museum of Asian - African Conference was inaugurated by Soeharto, the second President of the Republic of Indonesia.

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