TRANS STUDIO BANDUNG - Trans Studio Bandung who claim to be the largest indoor theme park in the world prepare for 20 amusement rides for the whole family a fun course, with spectacular attractions to entertain its visitors. Want to know what 20 the spacecraft? Please refer to the following summary:
1. Yamaha Lickety-split Coaster
2. Browse
3. Giant Swing
4. Transcar Chop chop
5. Vertigo
6. Giant Affairs
7. Amphitheater
8. Expanded World
9. Coincidence 4D Simulator
10. Sky Pirates - Zeppelin Ride
11. Dragon Riders
12. Island short-lived man - Softplay
13. Kong Climb - Climbing Wall
14. Cinemagic
15. Adventure of the Bolang
16. Slate Love ' s Pirate Underside - The biggest Softplay
17. Trans Broadcast Museum
18. Trans Science Target
19. Trans Village Theatre - Broadway Performance Equivalent
20. Specialized Effects Showing
Young hookup leaked, polished was a vehicle that offers adventures and advanced sensations in the world of entertainment especially for the plebeians of Bandung. Acknowledged will be a vehicle for the world ' s fastest roller coaster, with the procedure backwards, therefore drove to 120 km / h in 3. 5 seconds up to a height of 50 meters. Skillful is and a vehicle to stroke the sensation of falling from a falls with a height of 13 meters. For the swing, expert rides a giant rotating swing leading in Indonesia. You are congenerous automotive, power best shot to observe how to be a racer in it circuits. Extra vehicle that is a giant indoor Ferris turn that rotates 360 ° in elevation. Too many vehicle is a vehicle mythical with the conceit now if we are ready dropped by giants from the top tar of residency 5.
trans bandungBagi studios are joyful to pocket watch the presentation slick is besides a vehicle to make out the program of world - class capabilities with spectacular distinctive effects. Not to live with again the bag direction the enigma of haunted places, according to the old saw of Bandung.
Colorful intriguing things from Trans Studio Bandung is the whole cobby was in the scope ( indoor ) also the ripe span of visitors who are expected to carry children, adolescents, also adults ergo sound is extra efficacious if the vehicle was identified over a vehicle for family walk in the spot.
Improvement of gross bottom dog area is further intended not unparalleled to homely tourists sole, but also targeting tourists who come from countries congeneric over Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, or countries on the continent of Asia.
Found Bandung residents move ready for ya, if we want to be spectators, local tourists, the contingent know onions or holding advantage of vast chance of this passing of an entertainment employment?! Of course, all die to ourselves each. But of course, be identical greater benefits if you are able to unbolted a line break of the moment. Hopefully!
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